

Social courage means not conforming to the expectations of others, but rather expressing opinions and preferences even if it means risking social disapproval.

Examine the ways in which minorities can be supported and inspired in the workplace, whether you are one yourself, a co-worker, or a business leader.

In this Scenes post, we'll be giving advice for talking to strangers in a wide variety of settings, but make sure to read until the end in order to avoid getting too carried away.

We are strongly dedicated to supporting the LGBTQ+ community and amplifying their voices in the spirit of pride and empowerment of each individual's self-identity.



If we want something, it appeals to us. Once this want grows stronger into a form of an irresistible addiction, it transforms into a desire. Playing with our subconscious, it possesses the power to redirect our thinking and drives our willingness to take action.

Thích Nhất Hạnh is a Vietnamese Thiền Buddhist monk and a peace activist himself! Many people share similar views with us; all we have to do is discover them.



What is love? Why is it so important? Oh, I am so glad you asked... It is essentially the binding force between us, allowing care, respect, and trust to exist among us. It is the one cure of vulnerability, instilling the courage to conquer anything, even hatred. Ultimately, love is all we have.



Liberty is defined as the state of being free. In a society of inequality and minority discrimination, something which should be taken for granted is destined to become the world's greatest luxury.

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